Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Slight Change- MakeupTalk Writer!!

       As some of you may have been noticing, I haven't been posting every single day like I have in the past. This is because of a really exciting opportunity I have been given. I applied and was chosen as one of MakeupTalk's blog writers! For those of you who don't know, MakeupTalk is a makeup and beauty forum website that has some AWESOME reviews and conversations about every product you could possibly imagine! If you haven't already, you should totally check it out HERE.  I am beyond thrilled about this, but it's going to cause some slight changes around here. To fulfill my job "requirements" I have to post 15 times per month, or every other day. My goal is to continue to blog every day but with one day on here and one day for MakeupTalk. Of course there will be occasions when things don't go as planned.. but I'm going to try my hardest! I am still doing my giveaway of course :) So please invite people and spread the word! I will add one entry into the giveaway for each person you get to follow me! Just have them comment on a post saying they were referred from you! I'm still so excited about this giveaway along with my new "job" and where it will take me! Please Please Please follow the MakeupTalk blog HERE! The most recent post about Marilyn Monroe's makeup look is from yours truly :) So please follow, you will be missing out on sooo much information from me if you don't. The majority of my posts on there will be celebrity geared, so if you enjoy that type of reading you should definitely check it out! The other cool thing is not only are you just getting info from me, there are tons of posts of quite a few other writers as well. It's like one blog for a group of incredible bloggers!

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